Saturday, 4 April 2020

History of Computer/Starting of Computer

Today we are going to know about the history of computer in Hindi, we will know when, why, how it was made and who was going to make the computer, so I want to tell you that computer is almost 3000 years old today. The computer you are looking at is very different from the earlier computer There were computers, they were not like this. Earlier computers were built just to calculate huge numbers. The first computers were made to calculate large numbers, but after very hard efforts, the computer you use today became a computer, in this process of making computersTypes of systems originated, such as the Babylonian system, the Greek system, and the Roman system and the Indian system, let me tell you, all the systems are left behind and the Indian system overtook all of them and the Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhatta Developed the decimal system.
The computer that you are seeing in front of you has only come 50 years but the history of the development of this computer is very old. The computer is used in every aspect of our life in some way or the other. The way has changed. So today we will know in this post what is the history of computer and development.
History of computer in hindi
The history of the computer from where it started and as far as it went, I am going to give you the complete information, who was the first computer and the last computer you are running now, which computer is it, all the information is given below.
1. Abacus - 3000 years ago: - Abacus is considered to be the first computer which was built 3000 years ago by Chinese scientist Li Kai Chan in the 16th century. The abacus was a rectangular wooden structure
There was a wire frame inside and there was a cataract on that wire frame. You could have seen Abacus in his near-neighbors and had a child studying in a school.
Work of Abacus: - Abacus was mainly used for subtracting additions, sometimes it could also be done for Ishq Ali.
Features of Abacus: - Abacus has the features that Abacus is the first simple machine which we also call the first computer.
2. Napier Bons - 1617 AD: - In 1617 AD, Napier Bones was made of a rectangular band made of animal bones, on this rectangular band from 0 to 9 the mountains were written in such a way that
 The tens digit of the stripe used to come near the unit marks of the second leaf. Napier Bones was prepared by John Napier, a Scottish scientist.
Functions of John Napier: - John Napier used calculations very quickly. And the qualitative result by John Napier was shown by graphical structure.
Features of John Napier: - John Napier was also called raabdologiya.
3. Slide Rule - 1620 AD: - John Napier was created by the German scientist William Autred in 1620 AD, it had two kinds of marked slabs which were kept equal and back and forward and performed the logarithmic function.
Functions of slide rule: - Slide rule could easily calculate based on logarithm
4. Pascaline - 1642 AD: - Pascaline was prepared in 1642 AD by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. This machine consisted of several circular and old telephone-like dialers with numbers numbered 0 - 9 which were used to calculate. Used to do.
 Functions of Pascaline: - Pascaline was mainly used to subtract adding numbers.
5. Mechanical calculator of Lebanese - 1671 AD: - In 1671 AD, this machine was prepared by the German scientist Gotfred van Leibniz. This machine is used in the speedometer of today's cars and scooters.
Features of Lebanese mechanical calculator: - Lebanese mechanical calculator is called recording machine.
6.Jecards Loom: In 1801 AD, a machine named Jacquard's Loom was created by French scientist Joseph Marie Jaccard. It was a machine that used perforated cards to insert weave designs.
Functions of Jacquard's Loom: - Jacquard's Loom was used to weave cloth.
Features of Jacards Loom: - The first was the mechanical loom.
7. Differential Engine: - The differential engine was invented in 1822 by the British scientist Charles Wabbage. This machine used soft and gear. This machine was run by steam.
8. Analytical Engine: - This machine was built in 1833 AD by scientist Charles Wabbage. It is an early form of modern computer. There were 5 main parts of this machine. 1. Input unit 4. 4.control 5.put unit.
Features of Analytical Engine: - It was a mechanical machine.
Functions of Analytical Engine: - It was used in performing all mathematical operations.
9. Tabulating Machine: -American scientist Herman Hollerith built this machine in 1889 AD. In this machine, the reading work was done by pierced card. In this machine only one card was read at a time. In 1896, the tabulating machine company was established in Hollerith which produced punch card machine, later the name of this company was called International Business machine.


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